premium content you already have, and reach a new subset of your target audience.
Sound a bit daunting? We’ve found a few tricks that makes the process of repurposing much easier. We’ll also share with you our favorite places to share that repurposed content.As a general rule of thumb, for every single piece of content you create, you should also have at least 10 ideas for future repurposing.
Start With Content That Resonates With Your Target

Utilize Your Buyer Personas

Repackaging Options & Repurposing Locations

A piece of content doesn’t always start as a blog, but it should be repackaged as one! If you’re starting from an infographic or video, a blog post gives a great opportunity to add in more details that didn’t fit in the original piece.
Repurposing Locations – LinkedIn, Quora, Social Media Today, Reddit
Many people are visual learners and in the online world, visuals get shares. 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, so take advantage of that by transforming information into a beautiful infographic.
Repurposing Locations – Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, SlideShare
If budget doesn’t allow for a full-blown infographic, images are a fabulous alternative. We really love Canva for creating quick and striking images. Transform a quote or statistic from a piece into an image that’s perfect for social media sharing.
Repurposing Locations – Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr
Turning your content into an Ebook is not only a great option for repurposing, it also gives a chance for your content to live on syndication. Create an Ebook, set up a landing page, and start collecting information!
Repurposing Locations – SlideShare, Google+, Amazon Kindle Store
If creating an Ebook seems a bit too labor-intensive, create a slideshow instead! (It’s really best if you have both, but time constraints impact us all.) Creating a slideshow is a great way to synthesize information into a more palatable form for users.
Repurposing Locations – SlideShare, Slideworld, Scribd
If you have the capabilities to create a video, you should take advantage of them. Videos open up a whole new region of reach for your piece of content. And with video marketing popularity on the rise (it’s anticipated that global online video traffic will be 55% of all consumer internet traffic in 2016), it’s a great use of your content marketing dollars.
Repurposing Locations – YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook
Put those vocal skills to good use by creating a Podcast. Podcasts are great for putting your own personal touch into a piece of content. So much more is conveyed through actual speech, and it gives you the opportunity to really drive home your message. In addition, creating a Podcast gives you a chance to reach your target in a location other than the computer! Many individuals (myself included) download Podcasts and listen to them while driving or cleaning.
Repurposing Locations – iTunes Podcast
Webinars create an instant connection with your target and provide an opportunity for you to incorporate other forms of content you’ve created. For instance, a Webinar typically requires a slideshow. This slideshow can then be sent out to attendees after the fact.
Repurposing Locations – GoToWebinar,
Email/Online Course
If your content is particularly in-depth, consider creating an email or online course focusing on the topic at hand. This content is excellent at building credibility as a source of reliable information. It also shows how helpful your brand is to its consumers.
Repurposing Locations – MailChimp, Udemy, Skillshare
The Artistry Of Repurposing & Repackaging
As you can see, repurposing and repackaging your content is a true art. It requires insight into your target market, knowledge of your own capabilities, and a lot of thinking outside of the box. Have you tackled the art of content R & R? We’d love to hear about what you’ve learned.]]>Laurel is a member of the executive team at Stryde. She’s been doing digital marketing for businesses for 10 years. Two years ago, she started set up her own ecommerce business selling baby gowns and knows the struggles of a small business owner. She loves talking about digital marketing, content, SEO, and conversion rate optimization.
Laurel Teuscher
Laurel is a member of the executive team at Stryde. She's been doing digital marketing for businesses for 10 years. Two years ago, she started set up her own ecommerce business selling baby gowns and knows the struggles of a small business owner. She loves talking about digital marketing, content, SEO, and conversion rate optimization.