Let’s talk about how we can take some common types of landing pages on websites and turn them into email list workhorses. Learning these examples, and with some creative thinking on your own, you should be able to get even more value out of your landing pages.
Effective Thank You Landing Pages
Your site likely has many ‘Thank You’ pages that people reach after performing some sort of action. Most ‘Thank You’ pages we’ve seen redirect people back to the homepage either automatically or with a clickable link. How boring. What a perfect opportunity to make another offer! Think about it. You’re pulling visitors through to this page because they’re interested in your content. You probably have more interesting content to offer them as well. It might seem counterintuitive to ask for another email address from the same person but this is an opportunity to create segments in your email lists. If Stryde sent emails about SEO to people that only visited us because they wanted our awesome PPC services then those people get turned off and we lose a good opportunity. Using ‘Thank You’ pages to continue gathering leads helps guide visitors down your marketing funnel. Make sure to use email list groups so that you don’t replicate any emails across lists. More contacts equals a higher subscription cost for your business. Mailchimp has a really good group feature for allowing people to select which segments they want to be in.404 pages: A Missing Opportunity
We’ve all landed on a 404 page. The first reaction that many people have is an instant drop in the level of interest for the entire website. Ouch. Some web designers have turned the standard 404 page into something fun. “Ooops… our experimental shrink ray malfunctioned and warped this page to another dimension.” Savvy marketers take it a step further and collect leads! Crazy, we know. But it works. It replaces 99% of the disappointment of hitting that page with another valuable content offer. It better be really good, though. 404s are the worst!
Source: copyblogger.com
Social Media Landing Pages
Facebook is great for a laugh, but memes aren’t going to increase your revenue. That doesn’t mean there isn’t any value for your business in social media, though. If people seem to have a hard time moving from your social media pages to your website then you should consider setting up landing pages right on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. There are plenty of apps and tools that can do this but the one we like is ShortStack (https://www.shortstack.com/). People who aren’t quite ready to leave a constant feed of cat gifs and fail videos still have the opportunity to sign up for your content.From Guest Post to Star Lead Generator
Have you ever written a guest post for another blog? If so, hopefully you received credit for it in the post’s byline at the bottom. Bylines offer a short bio about the writer and are another great opportunity to generate some leads. When people click on the link in the byline at the end of one of your guest posts, make sure their destination is a specialized landing page that considers the content they just read. Treat this opportunity like a content upgrade (link to other post created from this email series about content upgrades). Did they just get through an article you wrote about the best car accessories under $250? Hook them up with a handy comparison chart. Or maybe offer them a sign up for an email series about sleek DIY auto upgrades. These visitors are interested, reward them and reward yourself. The lesson is that there is plenty of prime real estate, far more than we covered here, that you can put to work for your business’s email strategy. With a little thought and exploration you can likely find pages that make perfect sense to add some of these email capture techniques to. Always remember to give something of value or your efforts will appear spammy. ]]>
Anthony Christie is the paid media strategiest at Stryde. He is responsible for working with our clients on strategy and overseeing the execution of high performing campaigns.
Anthony Christie

Anthony Christie is the paid media strategiest at Stryde. He is responsible for working with our clients on strategy and overseeing the execution of high performing campaigns.