How To Use Customer Research To Guide Your Ad Creative, Copy, & Landing Page Strategy

How To Use Customer Research To Guide Your Ad Creative, Copy, & Landing Page Strategy

Ever see an ad and think, “Wow, that’s exactly what I need!”? 

That’s no accident—it’s the magic of customer research at work. For D2C brands, really getting to know your audience is the key to creating ads, copy, and landing pages that truly connect. When you understand what makes your customers tick, you can craft messages that feel personal and relevant. 

In this blog, we’ll dive into how you can use those customer insights to shape your ad creative, copy, and landing page strategy, making your marketing more effective and engaging.

Customer Research for D2C Brands

Consumer Insights vs. Data: Understanding the Difference.

For D2C brands, understanding the difference between consumer insights and raw data is crucial. While data gives you numbers and trends, consumer insights tell the story behind those numbers, revealing the motivations and emotions driving your customers’ decisions. This distinction is the foundation of creating personalized, relevant marketing that truly resonates.

Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research

When it comes to gathering these insights, both qualitative and quantitative research play important roles. Qualitative research, like interviews and surveys, dives into the “why” behind customer behavior, giving you rich, detailed feedback. On the flip side, quantitative research provides the “what” by delivering measurable data from analytics, reviews, and social media listening.


Types of Customer Research Methods to Consider

Understanding your audience is really important for effective marketing, and there are several research methods you can use to gather valuable insights. Let’s break down some of the most effective ones:


Surveys are a powerful tool for collecting feedback from your customers. You can design surveys to ask specific questions about their preferences, challenges, and experiences with your products or services. The beauty of surveys is that they can be tailored to gather both qualitative and quantitative data. Whether distributed through email, social media, or on your website, surveys provide a broad perspective on customer opinions and trends.


Interviews offer a deeper dive into customer experiences. By engaging in one-on-one conversations, you can explore detailed feedback and uncover the underlying reasons behind customer behaviors. This method allows for a better understanding of customer motivations and pain points, as interviewees can provide in-depth responses and then they can elaborate on their thoughts. Interviews are especially useful for gathering rich, qualitative data that can complement survey findings.

Social Media Listening

Social media listening involves monitoring conversations and mentions of your brand across various platforms. This method helps you gauge public sentiment and identify emerging trends or issues. By analyzing social media chatter, you can gain insights into what people are saying about your brand, competitors, and industry as a whole. This real-time feedback is invaluable for adjusting your marketing strategies and staying ahead of customer expectations.


Customer reviews provide a wealth of information about how people perceive your products or services. By analyzing reviews on your website, third-party platforms, and social media, you can identify common themes in customer feedback, such as recurring complaints or frequently praised features. Reviews offer honest, unfiltered opinions that can guide improvements and highlight what your customers value most.


Analytics involves analyzing data from multiple sources, including website traffic, user interactions, and conversion metrics. This approach offers a detailed, quantitative view of how customers engage with your brand online. By scrutinizing metrics such as bounce rates, click-through rates, and time on site, you can uncover valuable insights into user behavior. This allows you to pinpoint where improvements can be made. This data-driven perspective helps you refine your strategies to enhance overall user engagement and optimize performance.

Research Types for Advertising

For advertising specifically, consider using these research methods to fine-tune your strategies. Surveys and interviews can provide feedback on ad effectiveness and customer reactions. Social media listening and reviews can reveal how your ads are perceived and whether they resonate with your audience. Analytics will help you track ad performance and measure ROI. By combining these methods, you can create a big picture of how your ads are performing and make data-informed decisions to enhance your campaigns.


Using Customer Insights for Personalization

Today’s consumers want experiences that are tailored to their specific needs and preferences. Personalized ads and landing pages connect better with potential customers, making them feel noticed and appreciated by the brand. This bond increases the chances of clicks, sales, and lasting loyalty. By offering content that matches the customer’s interests, D2C brands can stand out in a crowded market, reduce bounce rates, and improve their ROAS.

Maximizing Personalization with Behavioral Targeting and Dynamic Content

By blending these approaches, you can target your audience more effectively. Behavioral targeting is one technique that leverages customer data to deliver ads based on users’ previous behaviors and interactions. 

For example, if a customer frequently searches for eco-friendly storage solutions, behavioral targeting will ensure they see ads featuring eco-friendly options, increasing the likelihood of engagement.

Dynamic content takes personalization a step further by tailoring the content on your landing pages or ads in real-time based on individual user data. This means that if a visitor has shown interest in specific products, they’ll see those products highlighted when they return to your site. 

By using these strategies together, you can create a more personalized experience for each customer, ultimately boosting engagement and conversions.


Turning Customer Insights into Ad Creative and Persuasive Copy

Customer research is the cornerstone of any successful ad campaign. When you truly grasp what your audience wants and needs, you can create ad creative that does much more than just catch their eye—it speaks directly to their desires and concerns. By translating customer pain points and aspirations into visual storytelling, your ads become more than mere promotions; they transform into personal messages that resonate on a deeper level. This personal touch is what drives genuine engagement and makes your audience feel like your brand truly understands them. 

Developing detailed customer personas based on your research allows you to target your ads with more precision, ensuring that each campaign element is tailored to the people who are most likely to connect with it. 

Imagine crafting ads that not only address specific needs but also reflect the unique values and preferences of your audience—this is where customer insights become incredibly powerful.

Using Precise Language

Understanding your audience goes beyond visuals; it’s just as crucial when it comes to crafting persuasive copy. The language your customers use in their feedback and interactions offers valuable clues about how to communicate effectively with them. By incorporating this exact language into your copy, you make your content feel more relatable and engaging. Whether you’re writing headlines, developing value propositions, or crafting calls to action, using the terminology and phrases your customers employ helps bridge the gap between your message and their experience. 

Having a Conversation with Your Customer

This approach turns your copy into a conversation rather than a one-way message, making your audience feel heard and understood. Start by refining your unique value proposition to reflect these insights, and let them guide the tone and structure of your copy. By doing so, you ensure that your content not only captures attention but also drives meaningful action, leading to higher engagement rates and more conversions. This meticulous alignment between customer insights and your marketing materials creates a more compelling and effective strategy.


Guiding Landing Page Strategy with Customer Research

When it comes to creating more effective landing pages, customer research is your ultimate tool. Understanding your audience’s needs, pain points, and preferences enables you to design landing pages that don’t just look attractive but also drive conversions. By analyzing your customer data, you can make informed decisions about everything from layout and imagery to the content and calls to action. For instance, knowing what concerns your audience has allows you to address these directly on the landing page, alleviating objections and guiding visitors smoothly toward taking the desired action. It’s about crafting a landing page that feels custom-tailored to each visitor’s needs, making their experience feel personal and relevant.

How to Build Trust with Your Customers

Building trust is an important part of a successful landing page, and leveraging customer research can help you achieve this. One effective strategy is to include social proof, such as testimonials, reviews, and case studies, which can help reassure your potential customers that they are making a wise decision. 

This kind of validation from other users can be incredibly persuasive. Also, A/B testing plays an important role in continuously optimizing your landing pages. By experimenting with different elements—like varying headlines, images, or call-to-action buttons—you can use your research insights to see what resonates best with your audience. These adjustments can lead to improvements in conversion rates, ensuring that your landing page not only attracts visitors but also effectively converts them into customers.


Putting It All Together: A Case Study


Keter, a leading innovator in the outdoor storage industry, has a global presence, with products available through retailers in over 100 countries. As the company expanded into the North American market through its D2C online store, they recognized the need to increase engagement on their paid social media ads to effectively reach their target audience.

The Challenge

Keter’s goal for their paid social ads was to raise brand awareness. They planned to boost organic social posts to targeted audiences in key geographic areas, but they were facing low engagement rates from these efforts. To address this, Keter asked us to create new ad copy that would resonate more with their audience and drive higher engagement.

Our Approach

We started by diving deep into Keter’s target audience, analyzing their beliefs, behaviors, and what truly mattered to them. We reviewed product information to identify the benefits most relevant to this audience. Using principles of consumer behavior, we crafted ad copy designed to connect with potential customers on a deeper level.

The Results

Our revamped ad copy led to a significant increase in engagement rates, with improvements ranging from 4-5 times higher than the previous efforts. We also identified which messages resonated most with Keter’s audience, providing valuable insights that were used to refine their marketing personas. These insights helped Keter optimize their creative for future campaigns, ensuring continued success in their North American market expansion.

So, ready to take your marketing to the next level? Using customer insights might just be the game-changer you need. By tuning into what your audience really wants and needs, you can create ads, copy, and landing pages work well. Dive into your customer research, and let it guide your next steps. You might be surprised at how much more effective and engaging your marketing can become. 

Give it a try and see how connecting with your customers can make a big difference!

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