Pop-ups have come a long way since the early days of the internet. They’ve evolved from obnoxious, flashing windows to well-designed content offers that can be very efficient at gathering email leads for your business. Not everyone loves them but people are nowhere near as averse to them as they used to be. The offer that popped up when you visited our site is designed to give us more opportunities to speak with interested visitors. Wouldn’t you love the chance to spend more time with the people who are thinking about making a purchase from your site? It’s pretty easy and we’re going to walk you through how to do it right. The first thing you need to do is identify the most popular content on your site. Maybe you already know the answer but it’s best to find out for sure; you’ll likely be surprised. We use BuzzSumo and Google Analytics to find out which content gets shared and visited the most.
BuzzSumo easily identifies the most shared content on our site.
Here is the one that’s been working well for Stryde.
This very simple pop-up immediately started collecting emails from nearly 8% of website visitors for one of our partners. We really didn’t expect it to be so successful right away.
Kirsten is a graduate of Brigham Young University, earning her print journalism degree in April 2012. Before coming to Stryde, she was a sports reporter and then the sports editor for BYU’s newspaper, as well as a remote sports editor for Deseret Connect. Although she’s from Missouri, she’s a die-hard Kansas basketball fan. When she’s not watching KU play or pumping out content for Stryde, she’s most likely watching movies or Netflix in her workout clothes whilst drinking a Pepsi and eating popcorn.
Kirsten Metcalf
Kirsten is a graduate of Brigham Young University, earning her print journalism degree in April 2012. Before coming to Stryde, she was a sports reporter and then the sports editor for BYU’s newspaper, as well as a remote sports editor for Deseret Connect. Although she’s from Missouri, she’s a die-hard Kansas basketball fan. When she’s not watching KU play or pumping out content for Stryde, she’s most likely watching movies or Netflix in her workout clothes whilst drinking a Pepsi and eating popcorn.