eBooks, buying guides and blog posts are solid, dependable ways to generate revenue. Content has always been a great revenue generator for eCommerce businesses. That hasn’t changed much over the years; what does change, though, is how that content is packaged and presented to potential customers. We’ve moved from simple keyword-filled posts to thoughtful, inspiring content, and videos, podcasts and graphics. All of those forms of content are great ways to generate revenue growth, but there’s one, in particular, that’s not utilized as much as it should be among e-commerce businesses – quizzes. They’re not just something you take to find out how knowledgeable you are about TV shows. Quizzes can be effective revenue generators when used correctly.
Look at other ecommerce companies using quizzes
You’ll learn a lot about revenue growth by observing other companies’ efforts. This example – from eConsultancy.com – shows how the power of personalization in a quiz can lead to direct sales. Birchbox, a skincare company, created a quiz designed to help users find their “Face Mask Soul Mate.” The quiz was short, but with questions pointed enough to generate thorough conclusions. At the end of the quiz, users would see their recommended face mask along with a link to purchase it. The result was a 3% sales conversion rate from users taking the quiz. The shift quizzes have made from being a time-filler to an additional stream of information about your audience can be highly valuable to your business if done right. Consider this quiz from Fabletics.