We are receiving a high number of complaints of people being scammed by individuals and organizations claiming to be Stryde, some even using our logo. We do our very best to stay on top of unauthorized use of our company name and logo, but can’t catch or prosecute everything.
Please read through the following scams that we currently know about.
If you receive communication via WhatsApp (WE DO NOT communicate via WhatsApp) or a job offer from stryde-job.com, strydes-job.com, Stryde.my (or similar domains), please do not apply. This is not our agency and is a scam.
If you receive a message from strydes-vip.com or strydes-seo.com (or similar domains) to invest money, this is not our agency and is a scam. They will take your money and not provide any form of return.
We are currently working on take down requests with the domain registrars and are working to get personal/business home addresses and phone numbers for each of these sites to press charges.
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